How To Make A Short & Thin Scarf Look Full!

I hated shorter/thinner scarves until NOW! Now, I am able to make them look just as full as my other scarves. Also, if you are like me, then you hate the scarves with the fringed on the ends – I like to make all my scarves look like the infinity scarf….Here’s how!


I have been watching natural diva, Toni Daley, on YouTube. She has started a movement called ‘Support A Sista’, in which you try to support and buy from (local) black-owned businesses. Well, I am proud to say that I have started supporting. has some great wigs and earrings that are to die for!

Below, I have displayed the earrings I purchased! Check her out!
-sophisticated studs
-duafe studs
-light as a feather

Weekend Recap

The weekend is my time to experiment and have fun with my hair…so I did just that! Friday evening, I decided to have a mini photo shoot. Thanks to my amazing sister, we were able to capture my vision. Fro Hawk is my favorite FUNKY&FIERCE style! I had a nice plum color lippie, jumper from Ross, and classic black heels from Belk. I accessorize with Gold jewelry. Simple yet so fun and fierce!